One company’s commitment to innovation led to the development of a new set of standards and more refined category of imaginative gadgets. Amco juicer with its newly developed kitchen tool simplifies the process of juicing in kitchen.
The Amco 2-in-1 lime juicer is a good all-around kitchen tool, which finds application not only in homes, but also in restaurants and bars.
This handheld juicer facilitates juice extraction from a lime or lemon. You need not miss your regular quota of healthy and tasty natural juice minus the pulp and seeds with this simple device. All you need to do is to simply open the dual-sided center plate up when you want to juice a lemon. You can just leave it down when you are juicing a lime.
The Amco juicer is made from metal coated aluminum that ensures it remains inactive to acidic lime juice and won’t ever get rusted.
the Use of Amco 2-in-1 doesn’t need you to exert too much force by your hands. You will find it comfortable even when using for the first time. You won’t find any spilt over juice on the counter top and there is no mess created on the walls too.
Use of this Amco 2-in-1 juicer ensures your cool drinks to last good till the end. You wouldn’t ever experience a tangy-tasting guacamole and it will always taste fabulous with the Amco juicer in hand.
It is very easy to use just like pressing down garlic. In a matter of moments it delivers juice from inside out, minus the seeds and pulp.
Moreover, its cleaning is also quick. Just leave it in your dishwasher and it comes out clean without any stains. If you are in the habit of juicing limes on regular basis, it is certainly a great buy.
The pin holding the two parts together tends to break if you squeeze or press it a bit too tight. Though, this can easily be fixed by using a small screw that would fit in to hold the two parts again.
Generally it happens if an inexperienced person tries using it. You really do not need to a press it too hard because the juice comes out easily.
Its size is small. It’s an advantage but can be a disadvantage in a certain way. You cannot use it for juicing large limes. However, it remains quite efficient on its juicing aspect.